Professional Landscape Design & Installation in Denver, Colorado

At Elite Landscape Pro, we help our Denver, Colorado neighbors re-imagine their property’s landscape through design and installation, edging and mulching, trimming, irrigation, and lighting.
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Our Pledge To You

Prompt Service

No more waiting - you’ll get a response within 2 days and a meeting within 7 days!

Unbeatable Quality

ELP offers the highest quality residential and commercial landscape services in the Denver Metro Area.

Colorado Natives

We understand the unique landscape needs of our community and are committed to preserving its natural beauty.

Solid Bids

We offer competitive, multi-option bids that are valid for 30 days!

Our Landscape Design & Installation Process


Discovery & Free Consultation

We like to start each new relationship with a 10-15 minute phone call to understand the purpose of your project, scope of work, timeline, and your approximate budget.

Our expert advice costs you nothing.

One of our landscape experts will be happy to walk your property with you and discuss your needs and provide some direction for solutions we may provide.

Planning & Presentation

Our team will prepare a custom proposal for you, detailing specific materials to be used on your project along with cost.

In many cases, this will be accompanied by a color rendering of your landscape design to show you exactly what your project will look like when finished.

If needed, samples of materials can be viewed and images of plants along with their recommended care will be provided.

Scheduling & Installation

The installation process is scheduled to begin after a signed agreement is received with a down payment.

We begin ordering materials, scheduling subcontractors, pulling permits, and locating utility lines.

We update you regularly regarding schedule updates.

Our typical installation time is 2-3 days and each job concludes with a final clean-up & walk-through.

Ready to Take the Next Step?

Request your FREE consultation today with Us
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